Flying from Brown Shutter Airfield

Friday, June 17th, 2022 at Brown Shutter Airfield.

Looking for a farm strip in Somerset, I stumbled on Brown Shutter Airfield. It is a few miles south of Bath and a good base to explore the region. On this short flight, I visit Bath and try out the Menestrel's aerobatic capabilities.

Watch as I explore.

Brown Shutter airfield in MSFS upgraded by Neil Birch.
Brown Shutter airfield, upgraded by Neil Birch.
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In the air over Brown Shutter.
In the air over the airfield.
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The Menestrel on approach.
The Menestrel on approach.
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The Airfield

Brown Shutters Farm Airfield was created in 1988, when ex-Fleet Arm pilot Eric Newbigin, who lives locally, began operating his Tiger Moth from here. 

The airfield is at the intersection of the A36 and the A366 about 5 miles south of Bath.

Over the years the field has been home to various aircraft, which apart from Eric’s Tiger have been mainly microlights.

In 2007 local pilot Andy Greenwell arrived at Brown Shutters, and he has been the driving force behind the regeneration of the airfield. He and others built a second runway, and early in 2016 Brown Shutters was given a Certificate of Lawfulness in recognition of the airfield having been in continuous operation for over 10 years.

Planning permission has been approved for a change of use of farm buildings to provide secure storage for the aircraft based here. At present, there are a range of microlights and some GA

Brown Shutters is one of the farm strips upgraded by Neil Birch in his UK Farm Strips Volume 9 which includes scenery for 19 other UK farm airfields.

It is available here for $9.99.

Local Landmarks

This area is rich in local landmarks visible from the air, although they are not all well represented in the sim.

Just 1 kilometre from the airfield to the Northwest is Farleigh Hungerford Castle, and just to the North of the castle, is Avoncliffe aqueduct.

About three kilometres to the West is the neolithic tomb known as Stoney Littleton Long Barrow.

To the north, just before you get to Bath, is the Tucking Mill Viaduct.

Bath grew around Roman baths that were built on the geothermal hot springs that emerge in the centre of the city.

The Aircraft

Henri Nicollier, at the age of 16, planned to build an aeroplane after discovering the famous book by Henri Mignet: "Le Sport de l'Air". His plans have been used to build nearly 100 aircraft since the first Menestrel flew in 1962.

The aircraft built by Henri Talagrand that flew for the first time on November 4th 1986 at TOL (Tarbes-Lourdes) is the HN434 Super Menesterel used for this flight.


HN 433 Menestrel
Single-seat. Volkswagen engines, particularly Rectimo-VWs, in the 22-37 kW (30-50 hp) range. Span 7.00 m (23 ft 0 in).

HN 434 Super Menestrel
Single-seat with enlarged cockpit and increased tankage. Powered, typically, by a Volkswagen 1.6 L in the 26-49 kW (35-65 hp) range.

HN 435RL Ménestrel
One-off HN434 modified by builder Roland Lamglais.

HN 700 Menestrel II
Side-by-side configuration two-seat version with span increased to 7.80 m (25 ft 7 in). Powered by a 60 kW (80 hp) Limbach L2000 (2.0 L) flat-four engine with water-cooled piston heads.

HN 701 Menestrel II
As HD 700 but with 65 kW (87 hp) Limbach 2400 (2.4 L) flat-four engine with water-cooled piston heads.

Download the freeware version of this aircraft, here.

Do you have narrated YouTube videos of simulator flights from Cornwall airfields? Send me a link or post it in the comments. I'll add those I like to this site.

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