Flights from Somerset Airfields

I first visited Somerset on a school trip when I was nine. My memories of the trip include Clevedon, Chedder Gorge, Wookey Hole, and Westin Super Mare. This page shows the Somerset airfields and airports explored so far.

Short MSFS2020 videos from Somerset airfields and airports:

Saturday, June 25th, 2022 at Bristol Airport. This flight from Bristol Airport was quite an adventure, flying under the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the Avonmouth M5 Bridge, the Prince William Bridge, and The Severn Bridge. Also an incident on landing. Come along for the thrills.

A sightseeing excursion from Bristol Airport in a Cessna  152


Friday, June 17th, 2022 at Brown Shutter Airfield. Looking for a farm strip in Somerset, I stumbled on Brown Shutter Airfield. It is a few miles from Bath and a good base to explore the region. On this short flight, I visit Bath and try out the Menestrel's aerobatic capabilities. Watch as I explore. Somerset Airfields - Brown Shutter












Do you have narrated YouTube videos of simulator flights from Devon airfields? Send me a link or post it in the comments. I'll add those I like to this site.

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